Customer Insights Unleashed: Top 7+ Online Product Review Aggregators

Daisy Smith
10 min readOct 13, 2023

Are you a website owner looking to boost online credibility and engage your audience effectively?

Customer reviews are the way to go! Customer reviews provide social proof and valuable insights into your products or services. However, managing these reviews from various platforms can take time and effort. That’s where review aggregator tools come to the rescue.

In this blog, we’re going to explore the top 7 review aggregator tools that can help you seamlessly embed reviews on your website. So now say goodbye to the hassle of manual review management and say hello to increased trust and conversions!

Let’s dive in and discover the product reviews aggregator tools that can revolutionize your online presence.

What is a Review Aggregator?

“A review aggregator is a platform or website that collects and compiles reviews and ratings from various sources for a particular product. The review aggregator tool, usually asks for a centralized location of your store to distinguish it from other branches or similarly named stores.”

The aggregated reviews are then presented in a standardized format, often in the form of customized and functional boxes. Review aggregators can be valuable tools for consumers looking to make informed decisions about purchasing or consuming a particular product or experience. They can also provide valuable feedback to creators, producers, and businesses about how their offerings are being received by the public.

Important Review Sources to Aggregate From:

Take a look at the platforms that collectively provide a comprehensive view of consumer sentiment across various industries and services, making them crucial sources for review aggregators.

1. Google

As per the statistics given by AVOUP, 59% of the buyers choose Google to read reviews online. Google Reviews is a widely trusted and frequently used platform for gathering feedback on businesses, products, and services.

It offers users a quick and accessible way to share their experiences and rate services the sellers provide. Given Google’s omnipresence, these reviews often hold significant weight in consumer decision-making, making them a crucial source for any review aggregator.

2. Facebook

Facebook has a vast user base as a social media platform, but considering its overall presence a lot of people go to the platform to make sure that their purchasing decision is right.

For that reason, Facebook introduced features like Facebook Reviews, previously known as Facebook Recommendation, which provide a platform for users to leave reviews and recommendations for businesses and services.

Facebook reviews offer a broad perspective on customer sentiment. They can be particularly influential due to the personal connections users have on the platform, as friends’ reviews often carry extra weight.

3. Yelp

Yelp is known as a crowd-sourced local business review platform. Yelp is dedicated to user-generated reviews and recommendations for local businesses. It’s especially influential in the restaurant, hospitality, and service industries.

Yelp is a community-driven approach and its focus on local establishments makes it an essential source for aggregating Yelp reviews on these types of businesses.

4. Airbnb

Airbnb hosts and guests leave reviews to evaluate each other. These Airbnb reviews play a critical role in building trust within the Airbnb community. They provide valuable insights into the quality of accommodations, which is crucial for both hosts and travelers when making decisions about where to stay.

A lot of best aggregator websites have Airbnb as a network, this helps business owners from the hospitality industry to embed Airbnb review widget on the website.

5. Trustpilot

Trustpilot is an online platform that allows customers to write and share reviews about companies and their products or services.

Trustpilot’s primary purpose is to help consumers make informed decisions by providing them with the opportunity to read and write reviews about their experiences with various businesses.

Each business will add Trustpilot reviews and boost the business score. Consumers can use this accumulative score to easily find the best options available to them.

6. Amazon

Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms globally, and its reviews have a substantial impact on consumer purchasing decisions.

Since its inception, Amazon has maintained a strict policy towards safeguarding its review from fraudulent activity. To make sure transparency they also introduced many features like the ‘Verified Purchase’ badge.

Customers can rate and review a wide range of products, making Amazon reviews an invaluable source for aggregating opinions on a diverse array of consumer goods. And considering its importance, Amazon Reviews are a great source to aggregate from.

7. Tripadvisor

Online reviews, especially in the hospitality industry are a key driver for travellers and nomads. Tripadvisor is a premier platform for travel-related reviews, covering hotels, restaurants, attractions, and more.

It’s a trusted resource for travelers seeking reliable information and recommendations. Add reviews on TripAdvisor can significantly influence travel plans and accommodation choices.

8. AliExpress

AliExpress is a global online retail platform, and AliExpress product reviews are an integral part of the shopping experience. Buyers often rely on these reviews to assess product quality and the credibility of sellers.

They play a vital role in the decision-making process for shoppers on Aliexpress.

Top 7 Online Product Review Aggregator Tools in 2024

We have jotted down the list of some amazing and efficient online review aggregator tools that can take a lot off your plate while aggregating and embedding online reviews on the website. Take a look at the list and decide which aggregator is the best for your business.

#1. Tagembed

Tagembed is a versatile online review aggregator that enables businesses to collect and display user-generated content from various review platforms. Tagembed is known for its no-code-like simple embedding process. This feature by Tagembed ensures that even as a non-tech-savvy person, one can easily embed a review widget on the website. Tagembed also has a review management feature called “Review Hub”, which helps users collect reviews from the users.

Apart from that Tagembed also helps users to integrate review widgets on 18 different CMS platforms. It offers customization options, moderation controls, and easy embedding for websites and displays. Using Tagembed, one can change the themes and layouts of the widget. Apart from that you can also expect features like a moderation panel meaning that you can make irrelevant reviews out of your widget.

You can also change the color and size of the font making your review widget more personalised. You can also add a custom CTA. What is more admirable about Tagembed is that despite having many customization features, it also has a custom CSS feature that helps to uplevel your marketing game. Besides that, if you are a seller on platforms like Amazon, you can also use Tagembed as a product review aggregator platform.

#2. Birdeye


Birdeye is another great reputation management platform as well as an aggregator tool that is designed to help businesses monitor and improve their online presence and customer reviews. It offers a range of tools and features to streamline reputation management, customer engagement, and marketing efforts.

With Birdeye, businesses can collect and manage customer reviews from various online platforms, such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook, in one centralized dashboard. This enables them to respond promptly to feedback and address customer concerns.

Birdeye also provides sentiment analysis to take a look at customer satisfaction and competitive benchmarking to evaluate their performance against industry peers. It also offers review generation tools to encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and boost the company’s online reputation.

Birdeye’s insights and analytics help businesses make data-driven decisions to enhance their products and services. It caters to a wide range of industries, including healthcare, retail, hospitality, and more.

#3. Reviewgrower

Reviewgrower is a review aggregation tool designed to assist businesses in proactively collecting and managing customer reviews. The primary focus of Reviewgrower is on helping companies generate a steady stream of positive reviews to boost their online reputation and credibility. Apart from that, you can also embed these reviews on your website.

Reviewgrower simplifies the review collection process by automating review requests via email or SMS. Such type of notifications, nudges satisfied customers to share their feedback on popular review platforms like Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor. This automation saves time and increases the likelihood of positive reviews from happy customers.

The platform offers customizable templates for review requests, allowing businesses to tailor their messaging and branding. It also provides review tracking and reporting tools to monitor review growth and sentiment over time.

Reviewgrower can benefit a wide range of industries, from local businesses seeking to improve their search engine rankings to e-commerce stores aiming to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

#4. ReviewBot

ReviewBot is a review management platform that simplifies the process of monitoring and responding to customer feedback and reviews. It provides businesses with the tools needed to track and manage reviews from various online sources, including social media, review websites, and online directories.

The platform offers real-time notifications, allowing businesses to stay informed about new reviews and ratings. Review Bot’s dashboard provides a centralized view of all customer feedback, making it easy to respond promptly and professionally.

One of the strengths of Review Bot is its sentiment analysis capabilities, which help businesses understand customer sentiment and identify areas for improvement. It also enables businesses to benchmark their performance against competitors and track trends in customer feedback over time.

Review Bot facilitates engagement with customers by allowing businesses to respond to reviews directly from the platform. This active engagement can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

#5. Review On My Website

Next up is ‘Review On My Website,’ another fantastic aggregator tool. This tool simplifies the process of displaying top reviews on your website with an easy-to-embed review widget. It enables businesses to gather reviews from over 15 different review platforms, including Google reviews. Users can select from a variety of customizable templates to create an appealing widget that enhances their online reputation.

Apart from that, this tool facilitates soliciting reviews from customers. It allows businesses to collect reviews via SMS and email within minutes, although it does have limitations to prevent spam activity.


on our list is, a valuable asset for businesses engaged in review marketing. assists in gathering reviews from various sources and seamlessly integrating them into websites. Talking about the review platforms, Endorsal supports review platforms like Google, Facebook, Yelp, Tripadvisor Capterra, etc.

This tool offers elegant and straightforward customization options to match your brand’s style and website design. Any changes made to the widget are automatically reflected on the website. Moreover, apart from Google and Facebook reviews, you can also import and display various other testimonials. also provides a graph to its users that helps them see unique visitors and total impressions. This helps them to enhance their strategy.

#7. JustReview


JustReview is the next review aggregator tool on our list is an excellent platform to collect and showcase reviews from different platforms on your website. What sets it apart is its ability to detect and prevent copyright-related issues, ensuring users can identify any potential risks associated with acquired images.

While JustReview offers customization options to its users, it may not have as many choices as some other aggregator tools due to its skillset. Nonetheless, JustReview is renowned for its rescheduling feature.

Must Know Benefits Of Embedding Online Reviews On Website:

As per the statistics by Luisa Zhou, 95% of customers read online reviews before buying a product. Considering that it would be an understatement to say that online reviews are important. As a result, many businesses are opting to embed online review widgets on their website. Take a look at the benefits of embedding online reviews on a website.

  • Enhances Credibility: Positive online reviews from customers serve as social proof, reassuring potential customers that others have had a positive experience with your products or services. This credibility can lead to increased trust and a higher likelihood of conversion.
  • Boosts Conversions: Websites with online review widgets often see higher conversion rates. When visitors see that others have had a good experience, they are more inclined to make a purchase or take the desired action.
  • Engages Visitors: Online reviews engage website visitors by providing valuable information and insights about products or services. Visitors may spend more time on your site reading reviews, increasing their familiarity with your offerings. While making the decision to purchase, a lot of customers choose to search minutely on your website to know more about your products and services. An online review widget can solve all their queries about your business.
  • Highlights Strengths: Online reviews can highlight specific strengths and unique selling points of your products or services, that too in colloquial language. Hence, an online review website can help potential customers easily understand the value you provide.

The Final Note

No matter what industry you work for, as a marketer, you know that the market is evolving every day. But something that will remain constant is your customer’s opinion. So, the best way to make the most out of it is to embed online reviews on the website.

Trust us, it will never go out of fashion.

We have mentioned some of the best online review aggregator platforms from which you can aggregate reviews, along with that you can also easily embed an online review widget on your website using the review aggregator tools we have discussed.



Daisy Smith

I’m Daisy & I’m a tech writer in California. I spend most of my time on the internet, searching for solutions that could help businesses grow exponentially.